
Kayak and Canoe cross 2009

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 17 '09 / 5 Comments

Ahoj ,takže pomaly sa nám blíži sezóna 2009 a s ňou aj preteky a festivaly. Týmto rokom máme novinku a to kajak cross cup na Slovensku. Sú to 3 crossové súťaže a to na Beléj , Liptovskom Mikuláši a Čunove. Na prvý z pretekov sa je možne už aj registrovať na stránke kayak.skkde je samozrejme viac informácií o podujatí.Takže vidíme sa čoskoro na Belej.Peter

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First sunny days

Posted by Peter Csonka / Apr 7 '09 / 5 Comments

Thursday evening we got a massage from our friend, who lives in Trencin, they have a great wave there. We were surprised, because we never were there. Their river Vah had flood which made three rapids under dam. Depends of high level there are various playspots, but normally there is not enough water. When we come, water has drop from last day but still there was a cool wave. We spent there hole day and had an awesome session. Next day water drop again and wave was shallow for paddling so we moved to Plattling. Plattling had high nice level so…

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